Introductory Handgun Class

Have you been considering buying your first handgun?  Are you thinking about a Concealed Weapons Permit but decided against it because you have little or no experience with a handgun? Perhaps you are unsure about what type of pistol to buy? Let us help. SFT offers an Introductory Handgun Class covering safety and basic shooting skills. You will be able to try different handguns in order to find one that best suits your needs. The cost is $175.00 and includes ammo.

Call to schedule your class.

SFT Student Application
SFT CWP Student App_ 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [154.9 KB]

Contact Us Today!

Southern Firearms Training, LLC
3830 Forest Drive, Suite

Columbia, 29204

Phone: +1 803/2065917 +1 803/2065917



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